ANZSCO 261111 ICT业务分析师 ICT business Analyst


ANZSCO 261111

ANZSCO 261111

ICT business Analyst


261111 ICT业务分析师职业描述 Job description


Identifies and communicates with users to formulate and produce a requirements specification to create system and software solutions.


261111 ICT业务分析师职位别名

● 261111 商务系统分析员(信息与通信技术) BA (ICT)

● 261111 业务咨询师(信息与通信技术) Business Consultant (ICT)

● 261111 业务系统分析员 Business Systems Analyst


261111 ICT业务分析师ACS评估职责要求 Employment Duties

● 与用户合作起草业务需求文档 working with users to formulate and document business requirements

● 识别、调查和分析业务流程、程序和工作实践 identifying, investigating, and analyzing business processes, procedures and work practices

● 识别并评估效率低下现象,推荐最佳业务实践、系统功能和行为 identifying and evaluating inefficiencies and recommending optimal business practices, and system functionality and behavior

● 使用项目管理的方法、原则和技术,开发成本、资源和管理项目的计划 using Project Managementmethodologies, principles and techniques to develop project plans and to cost, resource and manage projects

● 负责部署功能的解决方案,如创建、采用和实施系统测试计划,确保系统质量和完整性 taking responsibility for deploying functional solutions, such as creating, adopting and implementing system test plans, which ensure acceptable quality and integrity of the system

● 创建用户文档和培训文档,进行正式的培训课程 creating user and training documentation, and conducting formal training classes

● 开发功能规范供系统开发人员使用 developing functional specifications for use by system developers

● 使用数据和流程建模技术,为系统软件的设计和开发建立明确的系统规范 using data and process modeling techniques to create clear system specifications for the design and development of system software

● 作为一个核心参考和信息来源,在系统项目决策过程中,提供指导和帮助 acting as a central reference and information source, providing guidance and assistance in the system project decision making process


261111 ICT业务分析师ACS评估专业相关性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units

● 企业信息系统或商业智能 Business Information Systems or Business Intelligence

● 业务流程再造 Business Process Reengineering or Business System planning

● 企业架构(企业资源管理,新兴技术) Enterprise Architecture – (Enterprise Resource Management, Emerging Technologies)

● 专家系统 Expert Systems

● 信息系统管理或信息系统 Information System Management or Information Systems

● 管理信息系统 Management Information Systems

● 面向对象系统设计 Object Oriented System Design

● 面向对象系统分析 Object Oriented Systems Analysis

● 需求收集 Requirements gathering

● 系统设计 System Design

● 系统开发 System Development

● 系统集成 System Integration

● 系统建模 System Modeling

● 系统分析 Systems Analysis

● 统一建模语言 UML

● 用户需求定义 User Requirements Definition


261111 ICT业务分析师ACS评估附加的专业相关性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units

● 算法设计(算法开发) Algorithm design (Algorithm development)

● 人工智能 Artificial intelligence

● 自动控制原理 Automata theory

● 计算机科学Computer Science

● 统筹方法 Critical Path Method

● 数据库设计或数据库实现 Database design or Database implementation

● 数据库管理系统(关系数据库,面向对象数据库,关系数据库管理系统)Database Management Systems – (Relational Database, Object Oriented Database, RDBMS)

● 文件处理 File Processing

● 人机交互 Human Computer Interaction

● 信息和通信技术导论(计算机科学导论,计算机理论,企业计算机导论,计算机科学)Introduction to ICT – (Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Theory, Introduction to Business Computing, Computer Science I)

● 信息系统导论 Introduction to Information Systems

● 编程语言(C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar) Programming – (C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar)

● 项目管理 Project Management

● 质量管理(质量保证,软件质量) Quality management – (Quality Assurance, Software Quality)
● 软件工程 Software Engineering

● 软件验证(软件测试、测试策略和方法)Software validation – (Software Testing, Testing strategies and methods)

● 网络工程(网页设计,网络工程) Web Engineering – (Web Design, Internet Engineering)


261111 ICT业务分析师技术等级 Skill level

ICT业务分析师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。


261111 ICT业务分析师所属职业列表

SOL – 澳洲技术移民职业列表 Skilled Occupation List




261111 ICT业务分析师澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority

● ACS – 澳大利亚计算机协会 Australian Computer Society:
5.2013年4月起,ACS 新的标准开始根据申请人的学历,专业和职业减工作年限,符合评估标准之后的工作经验才算。


261111 ICT业务分析师新西兰技术移民紧缺职业加分要求

信息技术(计算机科学,信息系统或其他信息技术)学士学位(7级);Bachelor degree (Level 7)specialising in Information Technology (Computer  Science,Information Systems or other Information Technology) 或者电工电子技术学士学位(7级);OR Bachelor degree (Level 7) specialising in Electrical and Electronic  Engineering and Technology 并且至少有3年相关的毕业后工作经验。AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post qualification work experience.


261111 ICT业务分析师执业注册要求(非移民要求)

● 无
