2019年3月11日,澳大利亚技术移民发布最新短期职业列表Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) ,列表上的职业全部可以申请 190 州担保的职业列表,当然也都可以申请 489 偏远地区担保,但是不能申请 189 独立技术移民(基于分数测试的)。当前 STSOL 列表有 215 个职业。
职业代码 | 职业中文名称 | 职业英文 | 评估机构 |
121212 | 花农 | flower grower | VETASSESS |
121215 | 葡萄种植者 | grape grower | VETASSESS |
121221 | 菜农(澳洲) | vegetable grower (Aus) / market gardener (NZ) | VETASSESS |
121311 | 养蜂家 | apiarist | VETASSESS |
121321 | 家禽饲养 | poultry farmer | VETASSESS |
131112 | 销售和市场营销经理 | sales and marketing manager | AIM |
131113 | 广告管理 | advertising manager | AIM |
132111 | 企业服务经理 | corporate services manager | VETASSESS |
132211 | 财务经理 | finance manager | CPAA or IPA or CAANZ |
132311 | 人力资源经理 | human resource manager | AIM |
132511 | 研究和开发经理 | research and development manager | VETASSESS |
133411 | 制造商 | manufacturer | VETASSESS |
133511 | 生产经理(林业) | production manager (forestry) | VETASSESS |
133512 | 生产经理(制造业) | production manager (manufacturing) | VETASSESS |
133513 | 生产经理(采矿) | production manager (mining) | VETASSESS |
133611 | 采购供应及分销经理 | supply and distribution manager | AIM |
134299 | 卫生和福利服务经理NEC | health and welfare services managers (nec) | VETASSESS |
134311 | 校长 | school principal | VETASSESS |
134499 | 教育管理者NEC | education managers (nec) | VETASSESS |
135112 | 信息和通信技术项目经理 | ICT project manager | ACS |
135199 | 信息和通信技术经理NEC | ICT managers (nec) | ACS |
139913 | 实验室经理 | laboratory manager | VETASSESS |
139914 | 质量保证经理 | quality assurance manager | VETASSESS |
139999 | 专家经理NEC | specialist managers (nec) except: ambassador; archbishop; bishop | VETASSESS |
141111 | 咖啡馆或餐厅经理 | cafe or restaurant manager | VETASSESS |
141311 | 酒店或汽车旅馆经理 | hotel or motel manager | VETASSESS |
141999 | 住宿和接待经理NEC | accommodation and hospitality managers (nec) | VETASSESS |
149212 | 客户服务经理 | customer service manager | VETASSESS |
149311 | 会议和活动组织者 | conference and event organiser | VETASSESS |
149413 | 运输公司经理 | transport company manager | VETASSESS |
149913 | 设施经理 | facilities manager | VETASSESS |
211299 | 音乐专业人员NEC | music professionals (nec) | VETASSESS |
211311 | 摄影师 | photographer | VETASSESS |
212212 | 书或剧本编辑 | book or script editor | VETASSESS |
212312 | 总监(电影,电视,收音机或舞台) | director (film, television, radio or stage) | VETASSESS |
212314 | 电影和视频编辑 | film and video editor | VETASSESS |
212315 | 项目总监(电视或电台) | program director (television or radio) | VETASSESS |
212316 | 剧务 | stage manager | VETASSESS |
212317 | 技术总监 | technical director | VETASSESS |
212318 | 视频制作 | video producer | VETASSESS |
212411 | 文案 | copywriter | VETASSESS |
212412 | 报纸或期刊编辑 | newspaper or periodical editor | VETASSESS |
212413 | 报刊杂志记者 | print journalist | VETASSESS |
212415 | 技术作家 | technical writer | VETASSESS |
212416 | 电视记者 | television journalist | VETASSESS |
212499 | 记者和其他作家NEC | journalists and other writers (nec) | VETASSESS |
221211 | 公司秘书 | company secretary | VETASSESS |
222111 | 大宗商品交易商 | commodities trader | VETASSESS |
222112 | 金融经纪 | finance broker | VETASSESS |
222113 | 保险经纪 | insurance broker | VETASSESS |
222199 | 金融经纪NEC | financial brokers (nec) | VETASSESS |
222211 | 金融市场经销商 | financial market dealer | VETASSESS |
222213 | 证券经纪交易商 | stockbroking dealer | VETASSESS |
222299 | 金融交易商NEC | financial dealers (nec) | VETASSESS |
222311 | 金融投资顾问 | financial investment adviser | VETASSESS |
222312 | 金融投资经理 | financial investment manager | VETASSESS |
223112 | 招聘顾问 | recruitment consultant | VETASSESS |
223211 | ICT培训师 | ICT trainer | ACS |
224112 | 数学家 | mathematician | VETASSESS |
224212 | 画廊或博物馆馆长 | gallery or museum curator | VETASSESS |
224213 | 卫生信息管理员 | health information manager | VETASSESS |
224214 | 记录管理员 | records manager | VETASSESS |
224611 | 图书管理员 | librarian | VETASSESS |
224712 | 组织和方法分析师 | organisation and methods analyst | VETASSESS |
224914 | 专利审查员 | patents examiner | VETASSESS |
224999 | 信息和组织专业人员NEC | information and organisation professionals (nec) | VETASSESS |
225111 | 广告专员 | advertising specialist | VETASSESS |
225113 | 市场营销专员 | marketing specialist | VETASSESS |
225211 | ICT客户经理 | ICT account manager | VETASSESS |
225212 | 信息和通信技术业务发展经理 | ICT business development manager | VETASSESS |
225213 | 信息和通信技术销售代表 | ICT sales representative | VETASSESS |
225311 | 公共关系专员 | public relations professional | VETASSESS |
225499 | 技术销售代表NEC | technical sales representatives (nec) including education sales representatives | VETASSESS |
232311 | 时装设计师 | fashion designer | VETASSESS |
232312 | 工业设计师 | industrial designer | VETASSESS |
232313 | 珠宝设计师 | jewellery designer | VETASSESS |
232411 | 平面设计师 | graphic designer | VETASSESS |
232412 | 插图画家 | illustrator | VETASSESS |
232414 | 网页设计师 | web designer | VETASSESS |
232511 | 室内设计师 | interior designer | VETASSESS |
232611 | 城市和区域规划师 | urban and regional planner | VETASSESS |
234411 | 地质学家 | geologist | VETASSESS |
241213 | 小学教师 | primary school teacher | AITSL |
241311 | 中学教师(澳大利亚) | middle school teacher (Aus) / intermediate school teacher (NZ) | AITSL |
249111 | 教育顾问 | education adviser | VETASSESS |
249211 | 美术教师(补习) | art teacher (private tuition) | VETASSESS |
249212 | 舞蹈老师(补习) | dance teacher (private tuition) | VETASSESS |
249214 | 音乐教师(补习) | music teacher (private tuition) | VETASSESS |
249299 | 私人导师和教师NEC | private tutors and teachers (nec) | VETASSESS |
249311 | 讲其他语言的英语教师 | teacher of English to speakers of other languages | VETASSESS |
251111 | 营养师 | dietitian | DAA |
251112 | 营养学家 | nutritionist | VETASSESS |
251312 | 职业健康与安全顾问 | occupational health and safety adviser | VETASSESS |
251412 | 视觉矫正师 | orthoptist | VETASSESS |
251511 | 医院药剂师 | hospital pharmacist | APharmC |
251512 | 工业药师 | industrial pharmacist | VETASSESS |
251513 | 零售药剂师 | retail pharmacist | APharmC |
251911 | 健康推广主任 | health promotion officer | VETASSESS |
251999 | 健康诊断和促进专业人员NEC | health diagnostic and promotion professionals (nec) | VETASSESS |
252211 | 针灸师 | acupuncturist | Chinese Medicine Board of Australia |
252213 | 自然疗法医师 | naturopath | VETASSESS |
252214 | 中国传统中医 | traditional Chinese medicine practitioner | Chinese Medicine Board of Australia |
252299 | 互补性健康治疗师NEC | complementary health therapists (nec) | VETASSESS |
252311 | 牙科专家 | dental specialist | ADC |
253112 | 居民医疗官 | resident medical officer | MedBA |
254211 | 护士教育家 | nurse educator | ANMAC |
254212 | 护理研究员 | nurse researcher | ANMAC |
254311 | 护士经理 | nurse manager | ANMAC |
261212 | Web开发员 | web developer | ACS |
261314 | 软件测试员 | software tester | ACS |
262111 | 数据库管理员 | database administrator | ACS |
262113 | 系统管理员 | systems administrator | ACS |
263112 | 网络管理员 | network administrator | ACS |
263113 | 网络分析师 | network analyst | ACS |
263211 | ICT质量保证工程师 | ICT quality assurance engineer | ACS |
263212 | 信息和通信技术支持工程师 | ICT support engineer | ACS |
263213 | 信息和通信技术系统测试工程师 | ICT systems test engineer | ACS |
263299 | 信息和通信技术支持和测试工程师NEC | ICT support and test engineers (nec) | ACS |
271299 | 司法和其他法律专业人员NEC | judicial and other legal professionals (nec) | VETASSESS |
272111 | 职业顾问 | careers counsellor | VETASSESS |
272112 | 药物和酒精顾问 | drug and alcohol counsellor | VETASSESS |
272113 | 家庭和婚姻顾问 | family and marriage counsellor | VETASSESS |
272114 | 康复顾问 | rehabilitation counsellor | VETASSESS |
272115 | 学生顾问辅导员 | student counsellor | VETASSESS |
272199 | 辅导员NEC | counsellors (nec) | VETASSESS |
272314 | 精神治疗师 | psychotherapist | VETASSESS |
272412 | 口译 | interpreter | NAATI |
272499 | 社会专业人员NEC | social professionals (nec) | VETASSESS |
272612 | 康乐主任 | recreation officer | VETASSESS |
272613 | 福利工作者 | welfare worker | ACWA |
311211 | 麻醉技术员 | anaesthetic technician | VETASSESS |
311212 | 心脏技术员 | cardiac technician | VETASSESS |
311213 | 医学实验室技术员 | medical laboratory technician | AIMS |
311215 | 药剂技术员 | pharmacy technician | VETASSESS |
311299 | 医疗技师NEC | medical technicians (nec) | VETASSESS |
311312 | 肉类督察 | meat inspector | VETASSESS |
311399 | 初级产品检查员NEC | primary products inspectors (nec) | VETASSESS |
311411 | 化学技术员 | chemistry technician | VETASSESS |
311412 | 地球科学技术员 | earth science technician | VETASSESS |
311499 | 其他科学技术员 | science technicians (nec) | VETASSESS |
312111 | 建筑绘图员 | architectural draftsperson | VETASSESS |
312113 | 建筑检查员 | building inspector | VETASSESS |
312199 | 建筑,建造及测量技术员NEC | architectural, building and surveying technicians (nec) | VETASSESS |
312512 | 机械工程技术员 | mechanical engineering technician | TRA |
312912 | 冶金或材料技术员 | metallurgical or materials technician | VETASSESS |
312913 | 矿副 | mine deputy | VETASSESS |
313111 | 硬件技术员 | hardware technician | TRA |
313112 | ICT 客户支持 | ICT customer support officer | TRA |
313113 | Web管理员 | web administrator | ACS |
313199 | 信息和通信技术支持技术员NEC | ICT support technicians (nec) | TRA |
322113 | 兽医 | farrier | TRA |
323111 | 飞机维修工程师(航空电子) | aircraft maintenance engineer (avionics) | TRA |
323112 | 飞机维修工程师(机械) | aircraft maintenance engineer (mechanical) | TRA |
323113 | 飞机维修工程师(结构) | aircraft maintenance engineer (structures) | TRA |
323299 | 金属钳工和机械师NEC | metal fitters and machinists (nec) | TRA |
323314 | 精密仪器制造和修理工 | precision instrument maker and repairer | TRA |
323412 | 模具工人 | toolmaker | TRA |
324211 | 车身修理工 | vehicle body builder | TRA |
324212 | 汽车翻修工 | vehicle trimmer | TRA |
333311 | 屋顶铺瓦工 | roof tiler | TRA |
342311 | 商业机械技工 | business machine mechanic | TRA |
342411 | 线缆工(数据通信) | cabler (data and telecommunications) | TRA |
342413 | 电信接线员 | telecommunications linesworker | TRA |
351111 | 面包师 | baker | TRA |
351112 | 糕饼师 | pastrycook | TRA |
351211 | 屠宰及熟肉加工 | butcher or smallgoods maker | TRA |
351411 | 厨师 | cook | TRA |
361111 | 驯犬师或训犬师 | dog handler or trainer | VETASSESS |
361199 | 动物服务员和教员NEC | animal attendants and trainers (nec) | VETASSESS |
361311 | 兽医护士 | veterinary nurse | VETASSESS |
362111 | 花匠 | florist | TRA |
362211 | 园丁(普通) | gardener (general) | TRA |
362212 | 树艺师 | arborist | TRA |
362213 | 园艺师 | landscape gardener | TRA |
362311 | 球场管理员 | greenkeeper | TRA |
391111 | 理发师 | hairdresser | TRA |
392111 | 打印装订工 | print finisher | TRA |
392311 | 印刷技工 | printing machinist | TRA |
393213 | 裁缝 | dressmaker or tailor | TRA |
393311 | 家俱商 | upholsterer | TRA |
394211 | 家具装订工 | furniture finisher | TRA |
394213 | 木机械师 | wood machinist | TRA |
394299 | 木机械师和其他木技工工人NEC | wood machinists and other wood trades workers (nec) | TRA |
399213 | 发电厂操作 | power generation plant operator | TRA |
399411 | 珠宝商 | jeweller | TRA |
399512 | 相机操作(电影,电视或视频) | camera operator (film, television or video) | TRA |
399514 | 化妆师 | make up artist | TRA |
399516 | 音响技术员 | sound technician | TRA |
399599 | 演艺技师NEC | performing arts technicians (nec) | VETASSESS |
399611 | 招牌写手 | signwriter | TRA |
411111 | 救护主任 | ambulance officer | VETASSESS |
411112 | 重症监护救护车医务人员 | intensive care ambulance paramedic | VETASSESS |
411213 | 牙科技师 | dental technician | TRA |
411311 | 措施满足治疗师 | diversional therapist | VETASSESS |
411411 | 登记护士 | enrolled nurse | ANMAC |
411611 | 按摩治疗师 | massage therapist | VETASSESS |
411711 | 社区工作家 | community worker | ACWA |
411712 | 残疾人服务主任 | disabilities services officer | VETASSESS |
411713 | 家庭支持工作家 | family support worker | VETASSESS |
411715 | 安老院主任 | residential care officer | VETASSESS |
411716 | 青年工人 | youth worker | ACWA |
452311 | 潜水教练(开放水域) | diving instructor (open water) | VETASSESS |
452312 | 体操教练或导师 | gymnastics coach or instructor | VETASSESS |
452313 | 骑马教练或导师 | horse riding coach or instructor | VETASSESS |
452314 | 滑雪用品导师 | snowsport instructor | VETASSESS |
452315 | 游泳教练或导师 | swimming coach or instructor | VETASSESS |
452317 | 其他体育教练或导师 | other sports coach or instructor | VETASSESS |
452321 | 体育发展主任 | sports development officer | VETASSESS |
452499 | 体育运动员NEC | sportspersons (nec) | VETASSESS |
511111 | 合同管理员 | contract administrator | VETASSESS |
511112 | 计划或项目管理员 | program or project administrator | VETASSESS |
599612 | 保险公证员 | insurance loss adjuster | VETASSESS |
611211 | 保险公司 | insurance agent | VETASSESS |
639211 | 零售买家 | retail buyer | VETASSESS |